Using a better flange size with your Spectra breast pump is helpful for lots of mums. For some mums, using the wrong flange size can hinder milkflow and even lead to injury. Here's how you can measure your nipple to help select the breastshield size that's best for you if you have concerns.
How to measure your nipple
Begin by pumping as you normally would. At the end of your pumping session, you'll notice your nipple has swollen which is completely normal. Then, it's time to measure your nipple. Measuring with a standard ruler that has millimeters on it is actually tricky and not often helpful, so we recommend you use a nipple ruler specifically designed for measuring flange size, which many mums find easier and more accurate to use.
Measure the diameter of the nipple at the base of the nipple. Remember that it's important to measure after you've pumped because younipple expands with pumping. You want to ensure you measure for a snug fit which leaves out swollen areola that often is mistaken for nipple.
Tip: Try measuring in front of a mirror or using a camera phone to get a better angle for seeing the measurements.
Be sure to repeat the process several times to ensure you're getting consistent measurements.
Signs of a good breastshield fit
A properly sized breastshield will be more comfortable, although pumping is somewhat uncomfortable for most mums initially. You should not see any excess areola being drawn into the flange. We understand that we don't carry every flange size (
click here to see a list of breastshields that are compatible with Spectra pumps) so if you measure and think you need another size, please contact Spectra customer support and we can help you find a stockist who does! :) You can also message us pics of your nipple through the ruler holes at the end of your pumping session so we can guide you best size to try, as most mums tend to measure themselves larger than they need. :)