Okay. It's official. We really do have the BEST breast pumps!
We're so pleased to introduce the Spectra S2 to Australia - the most sophisticated, effective and - stylish - breast pump to be introduced into Australia in years. Maybe ever? We love it, and you will too! The S2 boasts so many great features and is designed to truly meet the needs of mums wanting to feel confident that they have an effective, powerful breast pump to support supply whilst also incorporating features to make life a little easier. Like all Spectra pumps, the S2 is a closed system - a physical barrier between the milk and the pump ensures hygiene and motor performance.Let's take a look at the new S2!
Completely flexible, touch button programming
Take a look below at the S2 pump's digital controls. These allow you to set the pumping program to the speed and rhythm most effective for your body. The pump will start in 'massage mode', a short, shallow mode designed to stimulate your body's letdown reflex (start the milk flowing) just like how your baby tells your body to start milkflow. The pump will then switch to expression mode, a deeper, slower pattern of suction which mimics how your baby nurses when the milk is flowing. For women who find it hard to get a letdown when pumping, this feature really helps - switch back and forth as needed.
And loads of features to make life easier for you..

- Absolutely quiet! - this pump is the quietest breast pump we have ever heard. You will wonder if it's on or not!
- Night light - isn't this great? The S2 has a night light which will make life so much easier during night pumping sessions.
- Stylish, portable design - Spectra have endeavoured to make the most portable and convenient hospital grade pump ever, with integrated handle and bottle stand to make life a little easier.
- Double pumping - Slash pumping time and pump more efficiently by double pumping - the S2 comes as a double pump, with two full milk collection kits (breast shield, tubing & bottle) so you can pump from both breasts at once, as recommended by lactation consultants.