How Spectra Baby Australia operates

This blog post was originally written in 2014.
So, as we lead up to our big TWO YEAR BIRTHDAY in just a few weeks, I thought it might be interesting to talk about how Spectra Baby Australia operate. Did you know we don't have a central office? Nope, we're all spread out all over the place!
(By the way - talking about our birthday coming up - you might want to go and join us on facebook, because we'll be running a giveaway there to celebrate very soon!)
Two years ago, Spectra Baby Australia started as a home business, running out of the home of the Director (that's me!). We had an office area, and a small warehouse space, and we did all our customer support, and packed our orders and sent them off every day from home. This was pretty great for me, being either pregnant or having a small baby.
About a year ago, we had very definitely out grown our home space. At that time, we did a lot of research on the best way to manage warehousing & distribution, and decided to partner up with some experts. All Spectra breast pumps and products are now warehoused in Adelaide, and all orders are packed there and sent out by from there. All our warehousing and delivery logistics are managed by an expert service provider and we're very grateful to them for the efficient job they do.
As we have grown, it's been really important to me to try and maintain a family-friendly way of operating, both for my own sake and for the sake of those who work with us. Our team all work from home and all of us have small children in the mix of our day to day work. We use cloud-based technology to manage our inventory, invoicing, customer service, we use google hangouts for our team meetings... We even have our own Facebook group so we can chat and keep in touch!
Although there are some disadvantages to working this way, from a 'virtual office' - sometimes our customer service can't answer the phone rightaway if a baby is crying, and doing things like organising a product shoot for a new product gets more complicated, there are huge advantages. It means that we can keep costs down (no rent!), and it means that we're right on the forefront on what I see as a more mum-friendly development in the way we work - from home, with flexibility.
We always get rave feedback about our customer service, so we know we're doing something right! Making sure we're right there, whether it's on facebook, in email or on the phone (we'll call you back if necessary) to support you if you need help with product advice, using your breast pump or have a warranty issue will always be our top priority. We know that buying and using a breast pump is not like buying and using a mobile phone - if you need help, you may need it rightaway and you need it from someone who cares and understands. That's our job, and we'll keep doing it.
If you're looking for a breast pump, we really do have the best and most affordable pumps around - please visit our store and take a look. If you need any help choosing, get in touch because we'd love to help. Visit our acebook page, or send us an email (or leave a comment!).
Have a wonderful day, and thanks for reading :)