Popular The Block star Bec Douros was the victim of breastfeeding criticism recently while on her first solo flight with gorgeous son Archie.
Bec, George & Archie Douros. Photo credit: Instagram
Bec took to Instagram to share her experience, explaining that as she started to breastfeed her son, the lady sitting next to her rolled her eyes and said that Bec should have done that BEFORE boarding the flight. The new mum, who along with husband George is currently filming new show Love Shack in Tasmania, didn't take the criticism lightly though - she even got a little bit of her own revenge, saying “I should have told that old bag she left her reading glasses on her seat, but I thought to myself she really should have put them away BEFORE she rushed ahead of everyone to get off the flight.”
Your breastfeeding rights
It seems like there's a similar story in the news every week these days - whether it's a passenger on a JetStar flight being asked by staff to cover up, or a judge in the US banning a nursing mother from his courtroom - it's no secret that this kind of thing happens far too often. Thankfully, most mums will breastfeed without ever experiencing this kind of discrimination. For those who do though, it's good to know that you are protected by Australian Federal Law. It is illegal for you to be discriminated against either directly or indirectly due to breastfeeding. This includes expressing! The Australian Breastfeeding Association has a great resource for those who would like to know more - you can read it here.