Yes - You Should Buy this Pump

Yes - You Should Buy this Pump

To be brief and to the point - yes, you should buy the Spectra S2.

  • Yes, you should buy this pump because it's quiet and has lots of modes that many others have mentioned in their reviews. They speak truths!
  • Yes, you should buy this pump because it only has 3 or 4 parts which are easy to assemble at 2am, in winter when you're bleary-eyed, and you have to decide whether to watch Tivo or do some late night shopping.
  • Yes, you should buy this pump because Spectra's Customer Service team is awesome, and they don't care how often you pepper them with questions.
  • Yes, you should buy this pump because it freights quickly, comes from within Australia and it's very easy to get new and replacement parts.

Spectra S2 Hospital Grade Breast Pump

Further... This is my third pump, for my third baby. I exclusively express and use it every day. With Child #1, the little yellow pump lasted 3 months. I stopped pumping because I had mastitis. With Child #2, I bought a paid of Tommee Tippees and BOTH were replaced under warranty, worn out in under 7 months. I stopped pumping because I had mastitis. I've been using the Spectra every day for over 9 months now, and I've only replaced 2 backflow protectors because I was a bit rough with them. I have NOT had mastitis.

This unit is a solid investment which I highly recommend.

Ell Burrow is a mum of 3 and a passionate Spectra customer. She reviewed the Spectra S2 on the Products Review website and this has been reposted with permission.
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